The Project
BIM4EEB aims to foster the renovation industry by developing an attractive and powerful BIM management system with BIM-based toolset able to support designers in the design and planning phase, construction companies to efficiently carry out the work and service companies to provide attractive solutions for building retrofitting.
The BIM management system combined with the tools facilitates the decision making and the asset management for public and private owners due to the exploitation of augmented reality and the use of updated digital logbooks.
"BIM4EEB delivers an innovative BIM management system (BIM4EEB BIMMS) six tools, as follows:
- TOOL 2 – BIM4EEB BIMeaser tool
- TOOL 3 – BIM4EEB BIM4Occupants tool
- TOOL 4 – BIM4EEB Auteras tool
- TOOL 5 – BIM4EEB BIMcpd tool
- TOOL 6 – BIM4EEB BIMPlanner tool
This system increases semantic interoperability between software and stakeholders involved along the overall renovation process (design, planning, construction, performance assessment and management).
The methodology and the BIM management system validated in three demonstration buildings in Italy, Poland and Finland by two public administrations and two general contractor companies. Inhabitants will benefit by the increase of building performances, quality and comfort.
Overall, BIM4EEB targets the reduction of least 20% of renovation time, 15% the average renovation cost, 10% of net primary energy use for a typical residential apartment and a reduction from 3 to 1.5 working days required for a deep energy audit.
The developed best practices and guidelines for BIM adoption for public administrators and private stakeholders will be the bases of extensive dissemination actions to support the wide uptake of the project results and ensuring acceptance of BIM4EEB toolset by all stakeholders.
Watch our presentation here: