Teknologian tutkimuskeskus VTT Oy
Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd (VTT) is a state owned and controlled non-profit
limited liability company established by law. Act on the Limited Liability Company Called VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd (8761/2014) lays down provisions on the operations and status of VTT (this Act enters into force 1st of January 2015 and supersedes the Act on the Technical Research Centre of Finland 953/2010 and all amendments subsequently made to it). The Ministry of Employment and the Economy is responsible for state ownership steering. As an impartial non-profit Research and Technology Organisation (RTO) and with the national mandate and mission to support economic competitiveness, societal development and innovation, VTT carries out research and innovation activities for the needs of industry and knowledge-based society. VTT has two focus areas in the project; on one hand VTT is the expert in energy modelling and simulation and from the other hand in the information exchange and interoperability
limited liability company established by law. Act on the Limited Liability Company Called VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd (8761/2014) lays down provisions on the operations and status of VTT (this Act enters into force 1st of January 2015 and supersedes the Act on the Technical Research Centre of Finland 953/2010 and all amendments subsequently made to it). The Ministry of Employment and the Economy is responsible for state ownership steering. As an impartial non-profit Research and Technology Organisation (RTO) and with the national mandate and mission to support economic competitiveness, societal development and innovation, VTT carries out research and innovation activities for the needs of industry and knowledge-based society. VTT has two focus areas in the project; on one hand VTT is the expert in energy modelling and simulation and from the other hand in the information exchange and interoperability