Technische Universität Dresden (TUD) is one of the largest technical universities and one out of eleven Excellence Universities in Germany. TUD will be represented in BIM4EEB by two institutes: the Institute of Construction Informatics (CIB) and the Chair for Technical Information Systems (TIS) of the Institute of Applied Computed Science (IAI). Institute of Construction Informatics (TUD-CIB) researches in the areas of product and process modelling (in particular ontologies BIM multi-model and knowledge-based management, virtual organisations), performance evaluation systems (in particular multi-dimensional data modelling and analysis), information logistics, virtual labs, simulation systems.
At the Chair for Technical Information Systems are currently 22 researchers (17 of them funded by 3rd party projects) employed, working in the fields of automatic system design, and wireless and wired sensora ctuator- networks in the domains of building automation, semiconductor industry, and industrial automation, manufacturing and control, diagnosis, and real time analytics.
TUD-TIS’s contribution focuses on extending the services for automated design of Room Automation Systems (RAS) in individual buildings or blocks of buildings. The multi-layer ontology-based system model service AUTERA Store (developed in the EU projects SCUBA and TOPAs) will be used to model the Room Automation Systems inside the buildings.