SOLINTEL is a high-technology SME with more than two decades of experience in construction and energy sectors developing business in three main areas of the interconnected building-energy value chain. combining engineering and consultancy services with their own building and energy projects acting as investor and/or developer.
Its strengthens are based on:
o The application of processes analysis tools developed during more than 30 years of experience in
business management.
o The creativity of the given solutions, based on original production processes and new business models.
o Knowledge of the markets and the most international advanced technologies with proven business results.
o An international networking of alliances and a business commercial network.
SOLINTEL has a large experience working in EU Project (FP7 and H2020) as beneficiary and
coordinating task mainly in the area of the business development and exploitation / commercialization plan. Other activities carried on are also related to what attain demonstrators, modelling and engineer analysis about equipment installation, retrofitting, cost and technical analysis, between others.