Polish Democase March 2021
Mon, 22 March 2021
The activity aims to demonstrate the operation of the BIM4EEB Toolkit by end-users under real conditions. The purpose of the visit was to prepare the installation process for equipment running under Samsung SmartThings system, which was picked for the Polish case. The task focused on the inspection of common areas in the residential building, including the entrance space, the main staircase and technical rooms in the basement and attic. During the site visit, technical shafts were checked in order to designate the space for the installation of central system units (hubs). Major point of the task was also to test connection between central units and individual sensors. The visit confirmed the technical possibility of installing the central elements of the system within the technical shafts in the common spaces of the buildings. Tests of equipment connectivity and internet connection were positive. The next steps of the process will cover final hubs installation in the common areas and sensors in the selected apartments.