The testing activities evaluated the fulfilment of the requirements defined in the beginning of the BIM4EEB project. The tests have been done with a set of use test cases that simulate the most common renovation works workflows and are suitable to be repeated to confirm the results and the conclusions of this document. The result of the testing activities was successful and in conformity with the target defined in the test cases about the success measurement description. The BIMMS’ CDE offer all the functionalities to manage documents in compliance with the BIM standards ISO 19650 series in a web environment with an IFC viewer that allows the user to share and check documents and models anywhere and anytime using their desktop and mobile devices. (Figure 1).
The rising adoption of the BIM as new paradigm in the design and operations phase is resulting in a high demand of tool integration and interoperability. The workflow proposed in the implementation of the BIMMS goes toward the integration of the new and existing authoring tools (the BIM4EEB Toolkit and other existing tools) and the interoperability of data through data exchange services. The tools and the BIMMS platform can work as client-server configuration. The BIMMS’ APIs allows to integrate the BIM4EEB Toolkit in the platform and any other external tool to exchange data with the BIMMS and then improve the collaboration between the users in the renovation project. The testing activities demonstrated that the endpoints developed are suitable and useful in the most common renovation works data workflows. Some API endpoints can be used to update interactively the IFC BIM model to avoid some bottleneck tasks (export-upload-download-import) demonstrating that the technology available is ready to support the data exchange instead of traditional file exchange methods. These results can be improved further to include methods to update the model geometry and other features that could improve the data exchange between different tools. (Figure 2). The BIMMS’ SPARQL Endpoint can be used in
the operation phase as point of presence to share the project data to the
authorized and authenticated stakeholders as interface to query all the data
about the building lifecycle and get fine analysis about the building performance,
monitoring operations and maintenance in the years and compare the results with
the other datasets available online. In the design phases it can improve the
knowledge about the surroundings (environmental, social, and administrative
data) and can be used to retrieve additional data to enrich the BIM models
(multi objective simulation results, materials components, equipment
characteristics, etc.). (Figure